Cooling systems for cows
Through ventilation cycles combined with the precise amount of water, the 36”Cooltech system reduces the heat stress effects and the milk yield difference between winter and summer, this way increasing the health and fertility of the herd, giving as a result greater profitability in the farm.
Heat stress effects affect in a significant way the herd’s performance, so counteracting them is essential to an optimal performance in areas where high temperatures prevail. Our cooling systems for cows help to minimize economic losses caused by heat stress through an intensive cooling that can be used during the hottest time of the year or throughout the year in places where this type of weather prevails.
Cools directly the cows through water evaporation by forced air.Benefits:
Increase in milk yield.Headquarters
12236 Cutten Rd.
Houston, TX 77066, U.S.A.
+ 1 (832) 631 - 43 11