Feeding Management
The best food management software for dairy stables

Madero DTM

Data transfer management

DTM is the evolution of the simple feeding management software to a professional program that gives integral solutions with a very comfortable user friendly interface.

All the dairy farm activities are controlled by a unique and innovative tool that finally becomes an easy way to reduce costs and increase utilities.

Features and advantages:

Exact control of the feeding costs, consumption data management, and waste management
Total monitoring of the staff in charge of feeding
Greater efficiency and productivity
Greater profitabiliity by reducing feeding wastes
Inventory control and programming of opportune purchases
Generation of reports and graphs for statistical control
Facilitates decision making
Passwords and user assingment for a better feeding control
Waste management function by cow group that allows to make statistical projections and evaluate posible modifications in the rations
Compatible with any type of tablet or smartphone

DTM Reports

Reports with easy and clear tables that show the trend of the dairy farm that allows the user to implement corrective or preventive actions to improve the work process and increase the profitability of the farm.


 The best food management software for dairy stables

Contact Us

12236 Cutten Rd.
Houston, TX 77066, U.S.A.
+ 1 (832) 631 - 43 11


12236 Cutten Rd.
Houston, TX 77066, U.S.A.

+ 1 (832) 631 - 43 11


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