Sistema de Pesadores electrónicos de leche.

AfiMilk MPC

The most precise and reliable electronic milk meter in the market

AfiMilk MPC is a powerful tool that provides valuable information regarding animal health, milking efficiency and milking irregularities. With a precision of 98% it is the most reliable milk meter approved by the ICAR.

Through a sensitive, precise and reliable detection of conductivity in the milk it possible to identify mastitis early. This allows to take timely decisions to avoid losses in milk production and prevent severe damages in the herd’s health.

With this advanced system it will be possible to obtain:


Early identification of mastitis through a sensitive, precise and reliable detection of conductivity in the milk.
Early detection of several health problems based on sensitive variations in the production ratio.


Individual recording of the milk yield by milking/day of each cow
Production behavior during lactation
Precise information for better feeding strategies


Improves decision making for an optimal herd planning
Improves decision making in herd culling

Milking efficiency reports:

Percentage and milk quantitiy in the first 2 min.
Evaluation of the stimulus and placement by means of milk flow measurement at 0-15, 15-30, 30-60, 60-120 sec.
Milking curves
Real milking time
Milk flow peak
Milk flow when retiring
Stall bimodality

Milking irregularities reports:

Number of placements per stall
Unnecesary placements. (measures per flow)
Number of withdrawals per falls or kicks
Identification of cows that are milked in a long period of time

Milk quality:

Temperature measurement during the wash cycle
Alerts the lack of detergent in specific sections

Control Panel

Its control panel serves as an interface between the user and Afimilk’s system by providing relevant information of the cows being milked, facilitating decision making.

The control panel shows in real time:

Milking prevention of cows with antibiotics
Codes for health alerts
Alerts for low production, high conductivity, mastitis and equipment malfunction

Allows to:

Manually insert the number of unidentified cows
Insert codes
Visualize messages
Control sort gates
Check diverse information


Allows an individual management of the herd
Gathers valuable information that facilitates decision making
Early identification of mastitis and other health problems that affect milk production
Better genetic selection for herd planning



Contact Us

12236 Cutten Rd.
Houston, TX 77066, U.S.A.
+ 1 (832) 631 - 43 11


12236 Cutten Rd.
Houston, TX 77066, U.S.A.

+ 1 (832) 631 - 43 11


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