Cooling systems
State of the art technology for milk storage and protection is applied in our silos with their vertical design that allow a significant space savings. Their urethane foam thermal insulator allows to maintain an optimal temperature preventing bacterial growth and maintaining high milk quality standards.
They are made of stainless steel of high quality
and designed to solve problems of space and
storage of liquids, in addition these silos have
the system CIP (clean in place) that allows a
safe cleaning of the shakers of the agitator.
These silos fulfill with the 3-A sanitary quality
standards and possess the latest technology in
functionality and durability that only Madero
Dairy Systems has to offer.
Capacity from 7,000 to 30,000 gallons.Headquarters
12236 Cutten Rd.
Houston, TX 77066, U.S.A.
+ 1 (832) 631 - 43 11